Utilities & Helpful Phone Numbers


Florida Power & Light (FPL): (321) 723-7795


City of Cocoa: (321) 433-8400

City of Melbourne: (321) 608-7100 

City of Palm Bay: (321) 952-3420

City of Titusville: (321) 383-5791


AT&T: (800) 288-2020

Natural Gas

Florida City Gas: (321) 636-4644

Propane Gas

AmeriGas: (321) 631-5070

Waste Management

Trash and Recycling: (321) 633-2038

Driver’s License

North Brevard: (321) 264-5224                               

Central Brevard: (321) 264-6935

South Brevard: (321) 952-4540

Vehicle Registration

North Brevard: (321) 264-5224                               

Central Brevard: (321) 264-6935

South Brevard: (321) 633-2199

Cable Television

Spectrum: (855) 222-0102

Space Coast Area Transit

SCAT: (321) 633-1878

Brevard County Elections Office

Titusville: (321) 264-6740

Viera: (321) 633-2124

Melbourne: (321) 255-4455

Palm Bay: (321) 952-6328


Titusville Parrish Medical Center: (321) 268-6111

Cape Canaveral Hospital: (321) 799-7111

Rockledge Regional Medical Center (Wuesthoff): (321) 636-2211

Health First Viera: (321) 434-9000

Property Appraiser

North Brevard: (321) 264-6700

Central Brevard: (321) 454-6620

South Brevard: (321) 690-6880

School Information

Brevard County Public Schools: (321) 633-1000


Brevard County Sheriff’s Office:  (321) 633-7162

Brevard Tax Collector

North Brevard: (321) 264-6969

Central Brevard: (321) 264-5224 

South Brevard: (321) 633-2199