Vacant Land Checklist

Things you should look into before buying a vacant piece of property. During your Feasibility Period you can look into as many of these items yourself by going to the County or City. You can also hire out professionals for individual services or hire a Civil Engineer to conduct a full assessment of lot.


  1. Soil Analysis - Hire GEO Tech firm to do borings for soil samples. Check for muck or coquina.

  2. Cost to demo any existing structures on property.

  3. Availability of utilities. Bring power to site. Bring water to site (water meter). Sewer or Septic. Septic Location.

  4. Zoning Issues. Setback Issues.

  5. Environmental Concerns. Wetlands, Non-Native Vegetation/Mangroves, Gopher Tortoise, Scrub Jay habitat.

  6. Estimate for site prep and fill.

  7. Bids for ballpark construction.

  8. Bid for dock if applicable. Permits with SJRWMD, Army Corps of Engineers. Existing dock or not?

  9. Drainage Easements, Access Easements.

  10. Flood Zone.

  11. Shoreline Protection estimate…if applicable.

  12. Covenants/Restrictions/HOA Requirements.

  13. On site retention (larger lots), where stormwater goes.